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8th May
written by Mike

Had an opportunity to go shot another set. This time for a Senior Prom. Sorry that I’m password protecting them from the search engines but if you wish to see them and don’t know the password email me.

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16th April
written by Mike

Had the honor of shooting my nephew and a couple of friends yesterday in old town Sacramento.  It will probably take a me a day or two more to go through those photos but thought I would post a shot to Tower Bridge with the roadway up.  A boat was just about to go underneath it but I failed to get a decent shot of the boat.

Sacramento Tower Bridge--Roadway Raised Up

Sacramento Tower Bridge--Roadway Raised Up

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16th April
written by Mike

Had an opportunity to go shot some photos for a Senior Ball. Sorry that I’m password protecting them from the general public but if you wish to see them and don’t know the password email me.

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10th April
written by Mike

Girls and Rugby?    Some say it is not a Rugby game until  there is blood and true to the  Game this was a true Rugby game!  While not nearly as aggressive as the Men it was still fun to watch and shot.  Thanks for the invite to go shoot the game.  The game was between Sierra Foothills Rugby and  Rio Linda

The album is here: Rugby Photo Album April 1

Here is the photo of the day:


And the entire set.

Usual rules of copyright etiquette apply. If you wish to copy the images please ask.  These images have been greatly scaled down and a watermark added.  If you wish to have the full sized image without the watermark please ask.


Sierra Foothills Rugby


Images are GREATLY scaled down from the original and not really suitable for framing (or for much of anything else).  Before reposting these or just printing them please ask me.  The originals are much cleaner and don’t have the visible watermark:   It will mostly likely be free unless you are planning on making lots and lots of money.  The usual rules of copyright etiquette apply here.



  • RugbyMarch26


Rugby Match March 11, 2011



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1st April
written by Mike

Once again nothing worthy of being on the front cover of any magazines but still a few OK shots.


The album is here: Rugby Photo Album April 1


Usual rules apply. If you wish to copy the images please ask.  I’ll also remove the watermark depending upon what your final use of the photo is.



  • RugbyMarch26


Rugby Match March 11, 2011


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11th March
written by Mike

I’m a bit out of practice apparently as my first Rugby shoot of the season all turned out be a bit soft.   Skills really atrophy when they are not being used.  Anyway I  think I managed to get decent shot but nothing worth writing home about.

The album is here: Rugby Photo Album March 11



Images have been scaled down.  If you wish to copy the images please ask.  I’ll also remove the watermark depending upon what your final use of the photo is.


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8th March
written by Mike

Love to use my macro lens. This is fairly small flower and I do have to confess that I cleaned up some of the really dead leaves before shooting it.
Not sure what type of flower this is. If someone knows let me know.

Some purple flower

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18th February
written by Mike

Well…..not exactly the Scottish countryside. Just the open space between a park and some houses in Rocklin CA.  This is now an annual event of where the Sheep get to munch on some new grasses and the Open spaces get a good mowing.

Scottish Countryside

A bit like the Scottish Countryside?

And we might as well include a couple of closeups.

Standing out in a crowd

Standing out in a crowd

Proud to be a sheep

Google Map of where the Sheep were

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19th November
written by Mike

Had a “fun” night the other night fixing a leak.  At first I thought it was the dishwasher leaking but upon further investigation found a broken pipe in the wall.

First step was to rip out the wall board.  That took 30 seconds since the wall board was completely soaked.

The leak was obvious:

Here is a close up of the leak itself.

Leaky Pipe

Do you see something odd here–other than the spray of water coming out of the pipe that is?  Both coper pipes that you see go into the slab but the leaky pipe in the center has a “T” fitting where it appears that the pipe needed to be extended after being cut off too short. Instead of using a basic coupling the “plumber” (in quotes since I’m less than impressed with the shortcut he took) used a “T” fitting but then capped it in some odd way.  If it was a hunk of pipe it would be smaller than the size of the outside of the fitting.  After several hours of blowing on the pipes to get enough water out so the torch would heat up pipe I was able to remove the fitting.

Copper Cap soldered backwards

And found that the “plumber” instead of using a small piece of pipe and  cap just soldered a cap backwards directly on the “T”.  Since the outside diameter of both pieces are the same size the only part that fit inside the “T” would have just been the rounded corners of the cap.

I’m actually pretty impressed with the “plumber’s” skills in being able to make this shortcut work as long as it did.

Finished repair job

After multiple trips to the store including a 11:30PM run to Walmart since it was the only place open to find some decent solder paste since the newfangled stuff I bought at Homedepot early in the day wasn’t worth the price of the container it is stored in, here is the finished repair.  The repair is nothing fancy.  Just a small hunk of pipe and cap.

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6th November
written by Mike

Most likely the final cut of the photos from the Designer Warehouse Event. Password is what I said it would be. Based on how tired everyone was I doubt anyone remembers it–I may not even have it right. Just ask.

These are mostly password protected protected to avoid having them indexed by the crawlers.

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