Archive for March, 2010

31st March
written by Mike

Just a tiny little grape leave.   This was taken with the macro so the entire width of the leave is probably around 1 inch wide.

Concord Grape Leave

Concord Grape Leave

30th March
written by Mike

I just love the brilliant color of these trees.  Now if I could only remember the name of the tree….

Some colorful tree

Some colorful tree

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29th March
written by Mike

Didn’t manage to make it home while the sun was still up…so outside with the flash.  You can see the drip system ad watered a few hours earlier with still a few drops of water on the delicate petals.



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28th March
written by Mike

With all of the other flowers I’ve taken so far I could not go without some tulips.



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26th March
written by Mike

Shot another rugby game with my nephew.  I’m starting to get the basics of how this game works.   I’m not yet sure how how many points you score for a bloody knee.

Anyway….I’ve uploaded the stack to the gallery and show the photo of the day below.

Line out

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24th March
written by Mike

Making a break

Making a break

Had the opportunity to shoot another Rugby game.   The shot of the day is up above and the fully gallery is located Here.   Once again if you want to use the photo in any way other than to just view them on the site here please contact me.  I can provide much higher resolution images without the watermark.

Link to the album:   Rugby Photo Album

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17th March
written by Mike

These weeds caught my eye as they were so tall.  I failed to capture an image that showed just how tall they are. They are actually eye level to me to give some of you an idea.  However all of the photos just look like boring snapshot and I’m leaving them in the cutting room bit bucket and going with the old standby of a closeup.

No idea of what type of weeds these are.

Your Basic Weed

Your Basic Weed

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16th March
written by Mike

Just a carnation and past its prime.  Wikipedia gave me the fancy name for it. I’ve ignored this flower for a while.  We have them in our beds as they make for nice color and they thrive on neglect.

Dianthus Caryophyllus

Dianthus Caryophyllus

The image was actually taken very late in the day so the lighting was less than ideal.

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15th March
written by Mike
A flower cluster

A flower cluster

Well after yesterday’s craziness  I’ll stick with the basic flower today and leave my comments to myself for now.

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14th March
written by Mike

Walked down to the park again in hopes of finding a photo but stopped short when I saw the neighbor kids out for a drive…

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