Photo A Day

21st February
written by Mike

Took a small walk along the walking path today between the rain drops.  The path goes along a wandering stream with a couple of wide spots in it.  Since I originally identified the geese as ducks in the first day of this blog,  I shot a few photos of ducks.

Wikipedia to the rescue shows that these are mallards:

Female Mallard Duck

Female Mallard Duck

Mallard Ducks

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20th February
written by Mike

Went for a drive out to Lincoln in hopes of finding some trees in full bloom.  A bit early in the season still.  We were optimistic after seeing the start of budding on our own backyard fruit trees.

This photo was run through gimp color controls pretty heavily to bring out what little color there was in the otherwise gray day.

Roadside Orchard

Roadside Orchard

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19th February
written by Mike

Day 3 already.

Made it home from work when it was still light out and grabbed my trusty macro lens. The macro lens actually is an old lens that I inherited from my grandfather. Doing a bit of research on the lens found that my 90mm f2.5 Vivitar Series 1 lens was manufactured in 1977.    The 1978 edition of Modern Photography’s photo buying gave this lens got great marks. has the original write up on it.

I’ve used this lens on my Nikon F that I had back in high school, two different Nikons FE2 that I used throughout college and most recently on a Nikon N90s before its current use on my D70.  On the D70 the internal light meter does not work with this lens so I have to have to manually set it.

Anyway I have two photos tonight.  Both are from my yummy white peach tree in our side yard.  I wish I had thought to take  a basic photo showing the size of the tree and how small the actual peach blossoms are.  These photos are shown full frame with only minimal editing in a photo editor to just slightly enhance the color.  Really not necessary to do that.

Peach Bloosom

Peach Bloom

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18th February
written by Mike
Bee enjoying a Rosary Plant

Bee enjoying a rosemary plant

Managed to escape from work around 2 ish and went for an expensive lunch as Sam’s club.  (With tax it came to $1.62.)

Anyway in the parking lot right next to where I parked was a rosemary plant that looked like it had a bit of color in it.  I lucked out in that it also had a single Bee busy collecting pollen.  Before  it flew off I managed to get this shot.  Really need to double click on the image and view it full screen to see the bee.  I thought about cropping it from the original but kinda like the “large” plant and the small bee.

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17th February
written by Mike

Trying an experiment here.  In the very old days rarely did I go a day without taking a picture.  So for next few weeks I will try to take a single photo every day and eventually post it.

No real rules to this.  Just snap a photo a day.  Subject doens’t matter.  Quality doesn’t matter.   I’ll make somewhat of an attempt to update to post it within a few days of taking it.

So day 1 photo comes from a green area we have near our house.  It is actually a fairly large pond that you would not know is there unless you happen to have somehow noticed it.   To get there only requires to small hop over a 4 foot fence.  The Canadian geese were not very happy to see me.  Not the best goose photo I’ve ever taken, but nonetheless here it is:

Ducks in the pond

Two geese preening
