Main image
10th March
written by Mike

Today after a lovely lunch date with Rebecca I snapped a few photos of silk flowers in a flower pot outside of Sam’s Club.  I wasn’t all that thrilled with the results when I reviewed them in the camera and hoped I would find something else.  Well as the image shows below, I didn’t find something else.

I did take the camera out with me when I went roller blading this evening and I guess I  just wasn’t focused enough as I only snapped a few images and nothing better than the plastic flowers.  Pretty bottom of the barrel stuff.

This blog is turning into the flower-of-the-day blog and that is not what I envisioned when I started it.

Plastic Flower

Plastic Flower

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  1. Taini

    Great clarity. What camera/resolution was used?

  2. Mike

    It was taken withe the same camera and lens as this post “This is starting to become fun“. The camera is my trusty Nikon D70 and the lens is a 33 year old lens.